Swooping Seagulls at Storrington School

This week, the pupils of Storrington school have had an unexpected surprise. Seagulls (or Gulls as they're now called) have been nesting on top of the Year 5 classroom roof and have not yet abandoned their holiday home. Commotion began when a group of children who were waiting by the gate were told to enter through the KS1 entrance as their were some birds nesting near by. Everybody followed the instructions and when they entered the school they were not allowed to go through the main door. The Year 6 pupils went through the school allotments and all had to come up the back slope to get into their classrooms. One boy decided he didn't need to make a big fuss of it all and went straight past the Seagulls' nest. The birds were suddenly alert and started attempting to fight him and swooped down immediately trying to shoo away the unwanted visitor.

The school caretaker (Wez) tried to take down the nest, hoping he wouldn't be up there long. Wez ended up down off the roof of the school empty handed after the Seagulls began panicking and trying to bite him. While all of this was happening, the Year 6 classes had abandoned their work and watched as the birds ambushed him from the safety of their hut windows. The Seagulls have stayed and throughout the week have swooped down on numerous pupils and teachers but hopefully they'll have finished their holiday by Monday morning. 

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