The Horsham Area Barber Of The Year

The winner from this incredible competition has been announced as one from our village! The local barber, Fernholdt Barber Lounge was opened nearly 3 years ago and has been making villagers look better than ever with new haircuts since the grand opening. Owner Leon Fernholdt, is proud of what he and his team have managed to achieve:

'I would like to thank everyone that took the time out to vote for us, and to my dad and team for their hard work and dedication. We love the atmosphere in here and are so pleased that our customers love us too! If you haven't visited us yet, pop in or give us a call for more details and appointment availability.'

Leon is also in the process of taking over The White Horse Pub next door to his award winning lounge, fingers crossed it all goes well and we'll soon be seeing some exciting changes round your area of Storrington.
