2 Exciting Events For You To Attend This February

February is a cold time of the year, we're all busy layering up or practising or pancake-flipping skills ready for the 25th. But what other things can we do this February? What can we try or see that can be exciting for all the family? Well look no further because here are some exciting ideas to try this month!

On the 17th February, a special coding event will be held at the Storrington Library for children aged 7-10  and their carers. Pop along with all your friends and family to learn about micro:bits, you can learn what they are, how can we use them and even try one for yourself! The workshop will include the basic steps on how to code with micro:bits and you may even get the opportunity to borrow a starter kit from the Library. Basic Computing skills are required, and you must book using the link here: Link. But apart from that just bring your excitement (and a ticket) to the workshop from 2:30 till 3:30, for some free coding fun.

The second event taking place is a special museum talk all about... Cheese! The talk will be given by Rosemary Horton and will help you understand how the cheese we know and love today became so delicious and delightful, so if your interested why not come along and learn all about it. The talk will start at 2:00pm, and with samples why say no to a nice slice of cheese history. Tickets cost £5 unless you are a museum society member, then tickets will only cost you £4 each. So come along and dive into the incredible world of cheese. Yummy!
