How You Can Help Save Our Oceans... At The Click Of A Button!

The wold wide web is filled with all sorts of wonders, games, social networks, and of course knowledge! There are so many search engines: Google, Yandex, Internet Explorer, but what if a less common search engine could help you to save the ocean whilst clicking that search button? Well that search engine is real! Ocean Hero is somewhere you can search for everything, popular dog breeds, how to start a diary, even how to become a tree surgeon, whatever you need, you can search for it on Ocean Hero. Here's how it works:

When you open Ocean Hero, you should see a little counter in the top right hand corner of your screen, this will tell you how many searches you've made. As you can see, I have only searched 3 times on this device, but on another device I have made over 100 searches.

When you search for something, your number will go up.

For every 5 searches you make, Ocean Hero will recover one plastic bottle from the ocean, they have adverts on the site like any other search engine, but they use the money differently, the money earned is put towards taking steps forward, to stop plastic pollution. The website also includes a coll feature that enables you to change the background from white to ocean themed.
