The School Season Is Here!


As the Summer has drawn to a  close, a season of darker nights and leaf piles is here! Of course, the back to school season brings with it a new set of challenges for both teachers and students alike during this pandemic. But how exactly are the schools balancing safety and education?

At Storrington Primary School, drop off and pick up times have both been staggered to avoid big gatherings and maintain social distancing when possible. These staggered timings will mean that certain school houses will enter the building at one time, and the next school house 15 minutes later. Students will be in class 'bubbles’, and the school office will only be open for urgent enquiries. People must wear a face covering when entering.

However, Steyning Grammar School: Rock Road, are in year ‘bubbles’. Students will wear a face covering when entering the building, and in the corridors. Students will stay in their classrooms, and teachers will come to them, limiting the movement around school. Though masks are not compulsory during lessons, though students can choose to wear them if they wish.

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