My Coranadiarus

This page is my journal, it will be a place where I will write entries all about what is happening during the COVID-19 outbreak 2020.

Entry 1: Sunday 5th of April 2020.

Today we had a very unusual but delicious breakfast, american style pancakes with yogurt and homemade apricot compote, I feel like the time that we are going through at the moment will help give me and my sister some life skills, like proper cooking when all you have is some gluten free pasta from last year! The morning went very quickly and soon it was lunch time, it made me feel a bit guilty as all I'd done was watch YouTube, but you can't turn back time. For lunch I had a sausage sandwich with mustard mayo. Now that is something I would not learn normally, you can make your own mustard mayo using just mustard and...Mayo! After lunch I watched an episode of Jamie Oliver's Keep Calm and Cook On programme about some ideas and tips for cooking at the moment, including an egg less chocolate sponge. I got changed out of my new favourite outfit to make banana bread with my mum, we got the recipe from a cookbook named the 'The Complete Farmhouse Cookbook' which is one I feel we'll be using quite a lot at the moment. We were going to use the standard recipe but mum found half a bar of supermarket chocolate in the back of the cupboard, and after confirming that it tasted fine and it was only past best before, we chucked it in the mixture. After we finished watching 'The Incredible Hulk' (which I am still confused about as it is rated the worst Marvel movie when actually I thought it was quite good!) we tried a slice and it was nice. Afterwards, me and my sister went outside to play basketball, but in the end we got bored and didn't want to eat an ice pop, as we were not going back to the supermarket until the 13th of April and we didn't have many left. In the end we went inside and started writing a business idea in an empty notebook. Afterwards, we watched a bit more TV and had toad in the hole for dinner and a packet of haribo afterwards as we'd run out of grapes and listened to the Queen's speech on TV, I got a bit emotional after hearing her speech and we were allowed some rationed lemonade, which I was surprised hadn't gone flat. I had a bath and looked through the FAMILY LOCK DOWN TIPS AND IDEAS Facebook page for more ideas of what to do and went upstairs to bed.

3 things I was grateful for on the 5th of April:

  1. Jamie Oliver's cooking programme.
  2. Rationed lemonade.
  3. The banana bread recipe.

Entry 2: Monday 6th of April 2020.

Today we had porridge for breakfast, while we're in lock down I am lucky enough to experience mum's homemade porridge. It's made of jumbo oats and raisins and tastes so much better than the packet porridge you put in the microwave. Afterwards I brushed my teeth and got dressed before writing up yesterdays entry (the 5th of April) while my sister looked through some of her old school books from year 3. Mum came into the living room holding a letter and read it out loud, the prime minister had announced that everyone in the UK was going to receive a letter with some information about the corona virus and reminding us of what we needed to do and why we were doing it. Me, my mum and my sister all got a bit emotional after reading it, but after a group hug we sat back down and tried to get back on with what we were doing. We then had our daily custard cream ration of 1 biscuit and watched some TV while mum made lunch. For lunch, we had humus and vegetable sandwiches, which contained carrots and apple in a sauce that made it very hard to eat without making a mess all over our plates, but it still tasted really good. Afterwards, we watched a TV episode we had missed while eating some of the banana bread I made yesterday and shortly after the episode finished, chalked a rainbow outside on the pavement. We brought our skateboards to the front of the house to sit on and brought out an old pack of chalks we'd had in the cupboard for years and tied making a blended rainbow. In the end it didn't turn out very blended but it still looked OK and we coloured in the kerb as well, before going back into the house. We then made obstacle courses for each other, using a hula hoop. 2 tennis rackets, a tennis ball and some other stuff we had lying around in the garden. Midway through making a new obstacle course, mum and dad dragged us out for a walk round Sand gate park, and we saw one of my sister's friends from school walking her dog. When we got back home, we set the table ready for dinner, and had the first dish of 'normal food' in a while. It was chilli and wraps, with lettuce, cheese, chilli and sour cream in a wrap and it was so good! After dinner, me and my sister had a really quick bath so we could watch Trolls: world tour, which had come onto Sky Store that day. We had popcorn and some Nesquick we found in the back of the cupboard. The only downside about it was that it cost £15.99 to rent for 48 hours, but our dad was so kind and bought it anyway. We finished the film, which I thought was pretty good, and waited till the end of the credits to see if there were any extra bits at the end. We waited through 5 whole minutes of credits, but there was nothing at the end of the film. While my sister and dad watched an old episode of Master chef I looked at the Facebook page FAMILY LOCK DOWN TIPS AND IDEAS, and after I brushed my teeth and went up to bed.

3 things I was grateful for on the 6th of April:

1. The chalk we found in cupboard.
2. The NHS.

Entry 3: Tuesday 7th of April 2020.

Today, my sister woke me up so we could have breakfast, the left over american pancakes with yogurt and compote from Sunday. After we finished, I went upstairs to brush my teeth and get dressed, and when I was properly ready for the day I began to write up yesterday's entry. Afterwards, my mum, me and my sister had an hour long zumba session, as the kind lady who usually does the sessions in the village hall has started doing online sessions by posting them on YouTube, and after the fun session we collapsed on the sofa and had a rationed ice pop. While we ate our ice pops, my mum was in the kitchen making lunch which consisted of humus and salad pitta breads. Most people are saying that over this time all they do is eat, and a by the time they come back to work they will have put on a lot of weight, but i'm not sure about that, I think we're doing OK exercise wise. Anyway, after the lunch, we had a orange and another slice of that banana bread I made on Sunday. I'm upset as those were the last proper slices,but we still have the crust so we'll be fine. Afterwards, mum said that since we did a zumba session, we didn't have to go for a long walk so that made both me and my sister pretty content. The downside was that we did have to sort through some draws we have in our room and we did get a bit distracted. We made our own ping pong table, by clearing the dinner table, placing 3 blobs of blue tac in the middle of it, grabbing a ruler, placing t horizontally on the blue tac and taking two bats and a ball. We decided that could probably keep us busy for a while, but of course we had to get back to sorting the draws. When we had finished, I decided to try putting on makeup, I'm still not entirely sure why, I just kind of wanted to try it. I put it on, and I've got to admit that it wasn't my make up applying skills, it just looked horrible on me. After putting the whole make up incident behind me, my sister and I went out in the garden to play, before it was time for dinner. For dinner we had another slightly more 'normal dinner' (that's two in a row, and counting!) curry with rice and natural yogurt, but with an unusual twist, the curry had been in the slow cooker, and we had onion bhaji with it! After dinner, I went upstairs to wash my hair, and came back down to watch Blue Peter. This episode was different, because of the current lock down situation the presenters were at their homes, recording, but it was still a good episode of Blue Peter. When the episode had finished, we tried using mum's ab roller so that buy the time we got back to school we would have a six pack! Sadly i'm joking, but a girl can dream. We had a competition to see who could roll it out the furthest and bring it back in on their knees, and I won! Afterwards we sat down to watch an episode of a television series off of CBBC and went upstairs to brush our teeth and go to bed.

3 things I was grateful for on the 7th of April:

  1. My family.
  2. Zumba sessions.
  3. Rationed ice pops.

Entry 4: Wednesday 8th of April 2020.

Today, I was woken up by my sister so that we could have breakfast, porridge with the leftover apricot compote and grated apple for everyone (even dad). Yum! Afterwards, we got dressed, brushed our teeth and headed downstairs to work on the history assignment we had been set over the Easter holidays; we were making top trumps of famous Tudors. After putting on our headphones, dancing, singing and doing a trial game with our Tudor top trumps, I wrote up yesterday's entry into my Coronadiarus and made a post requested by my friend about a new search engine Ocean Hero. When I had finished, it was nearly lunch already so I sat down and just read my book for a while. We had egg mayonnaise and salad sandwiches, with carrot sticks and hummus for lunch which tasted good, and then mum went into the kitchen to learn how to bake vegan meringues using chickpea water. If there's one positive outcome of this its all the new and interesting food we get to have on a daily basis. Afterwards, we sat down on the sofa with the last of my banana bread and watched a live history programme from the Western Approaches Headquarters in Liverpool, where we learnt all about coding used during the war. This was our third episode, the one last week was about rationing, which applied well to the current circumstances, and the first one was a tour of the head quarters.  When we had finished watching it, we went outside into the garden for a bit to play, and had n ice pop we found in the back of the freezer. We were doing this while mum made the vegan meringues! Me and my sister decided we wanted to do a challenge together, and so we did the ten supply art challenge. We each had to pick 10 art supplies for the other person, who then had to make an art journal page using only the supplies we'd given them, plus 2 of their choice. My sister's page turned out really nice, I was far from happy with mine but I gave it a go. Mum and dad made us go out for another walk where we explored Google AR. Google Ar is a fun addition google have made to their search engine, if you type in the word 'cat' you just have to scroll down a bit to see an option where you can view a life size cat in 3D, right in front of you. When I got back, I found a list of different animals you can view in Google AR, and I found you can even see a goat! Afterwards we had another 'normal-ish dinner' (that makes 3 in a row, we're on a winning streak) bolognese with pasta and garlic bread. We would normally have salad with it, but clearly fresh vegetables aren't in abundances at the moment. After, we tried some of mum's vegan meringues, and they tasted like sugar, which is just the way I like them. We then got changed into our Guide uniform as we were having our first Guide meeting on Zoom, the session was a bit of a trial and error as they were still trying to figure out what kind of things they could do but it was fun all the same. We had a scavenger hunt, where we had to try and find things such as something beginning with I and be the first one to bring it back. When the session had ended, we watched a Stand Up To Cancer Celebrity Bake Off episode, went upstairs, brushed our teeth, got into our pyjamas and went to bed.

Three things I was grateful for on the 8th of April:

  1. Mum's vegan meringues.
  2. The online Guides meeting.
  3. My sister.

Entry 5: Thursday 9th of April 2020.

Today, I woke up quite late and had a nice breakfast of strawberry yogurt and mum's homemade granola, I then went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. After, I wrote up yesterday's entry, enjoyed my daily Jaffa cake ration and read my book. I was nearly at the end of my book, but mum had turned on a Facebook live stream by Oti Mabuse, some of the strictly professionals were holding dance sessions throughout the day run by different people, and from 11:30am until 12:00pm Oti was busy teaching over one thousand people across the world a spider-man dance she had choreographed. We learnt all of the moves and went over the dance without music a few times, before doing a full run through along to the spider-man theme tune. Before lunch I managed to finish my book, and took a quiz on it using a system my school uses. For lunch, mum made a delicious tasting wrap substitute named socca, using gram flour which we found in the back of the cupboard, and filled it with homemade tzatziki and lentil loaf from the freezer. Over this period of time, we have discovered that you can do a lot with chickpeas, and we finished lunch with another chickpea based creation, half of one of the vegan meringues. When we had cleared away the plates from lunch, we looked through some of the cookbooks together to see if their were any useful recipes, but they always had fancy ingredients or needed 4 tins of baked beans! In the end we decided we'd stick to Jamie Oliver's recipes and the BBC good food site for now. It was a really hot day, so I went upstairs to get changed into some practical exercise clothes for retro fit and sat outside in the sun while I waited for mum and my sister to get changed. We did an hour long retro fit class, and the abs that I don't have were aching so much after it. After I had a shower, me and my sister played a game of mine craft before dinner, and when we had finished we sat down to a lovely meal of sweet potato and bean stew which tasted surprisingly similar to chilli con carne. When dinner was finished, me and my sister sat down on the sofa with a lolly and watched with our dad for around 45 minutes. We paused the film and grabbed pots and wooden spoons from the kitchen so we could be ready to be outside and clap for the NHS at 8pm, where all around the country people would be clapping and making as much noise for the NHS as possible. At first, we thought we would be the only ones on our street clapping, but more people came out and mum banged so hard she broke the wooden spoon! When we came back inside, we finished watching Thor and went upstairs to brush our teeth, get changed into our pyjamas and go to bed.

Three things I was grateful for on the 10th of April:

  1. Thor.
  2. We have multiple wooden spoons in the house.
  3. The gram flour in the back of the cupboard.

Entry 6: Saturday 11th of April 2020.

Today, we had some of mum's homemade granola with lemon curd yogurt for breakfast, and when we had finished, we sat down to play on the Xbox for a bit while we waited for our food to go down. When our breakfasts had gone down, me, my mum and my sister did an hour long zumba session and afterwards sat down before having an amazing lunch! We had some rolls my mum made out of a bread mix packet, and they tasted so good with cheese, salad and sun-dried tomatoes and when we finished, we played a few more games on the Xbox. After a while, we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon making some fimo clay creations, one of our neighbours had given us a lot of it before the COVID-19 outbreak and my mum had found a book of cute creations we could try and make. They turned out far from perfect, but it was fun and while mum was making dinner we put them in the oven to bake. For dinner we had cottage pie with a twist, not only was the filling made of mince, but also lentils and baked beans. After dinner, we sat down with a rationed packet of haribo and watched in for a penny and the first episode of the 14th series of BGT (Britain's got talent), before heading upstairs and going to bed.

3 things I was grateful for on the 11th of April:

  1. BGT
  2.  Fimo clay
  3.  My family.

Entry 6: Sunday 12th of April 2020.

Today was Easter and we were planning to have toast for breakfast, but when we came downstairs we saw mum taking HOT CROSS BUNS OUT OF A BAG! Those were a delicacy I didn't think I would be having at the moment, but last Saturday when my mum went out to the village to get essentials, a bakery stall were set up and she bought some to have today. Afterwards, I had some of my Aero Peppermint chocolate egg, which I wouldn't be having if our holiday was still going ahead and had not been cancelled. It was so good, yum. Me and my sister then sat down to play a game on the Xbox, wrote up yesterdays entry and then went for a 4.5 mile walk before lunch. When we got back, we had sandwiches with proper soft white bread and filled with egg. Then we sat down and played another game on the Xbox while enjoying some chocolate and opened a card our Aunt sent us, inside she included such thoughtful presents which was very kind of her. We then payed with fimo clay for a while before sorting stamps for our stamp collection. Afterwards we had dinner, which was a 'let's make room in the freezer by using up lots of stuff' meal. It included a small spoonful of paella, homemade slaw quarter of a pie for 1, half of a pancake with spinach mushroom and cheese for 1 couscous and garlic bread. After we finished the click and collect shopping order, completing it with 1 luxury item and watched the end of an episode of a TV series we missed. Then we wet upstairs, brushed our teeth and went to bed.

Three things I was grateful for on the 12th of April:

  1. Hot cross buns.
  2. Easter eggs.
  3. Strawberry Lane.
